Effect of Treatment with Exogenous Interferon, Polyriboinosinic-Polyribocytidylic Acid, or Polyriboinosinic-Polyribocytidylic Acid-Poly-L-Lysine Complex on Herpesvirus hominis Infections in Mice

The effect of treatment with exogenous interferon was compared with those of two interferon inducers, polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid [poly(I) · poly(C)] and poly/I) · poly(C)-polY-l-lysine complex [poly(ICLC)], in three model Herpesvirus hominis type 2 infections of mice. After intraperitoneal inoculation of H. hominis type 2, all drugs significantly protected animals against death and increased the mean day of death when administered as late as 48 hr after viral inoculation. With intranasal inoculation of H. hominis type 2, pretreatment with poly (I) · poly (C) and poly (ICLC) increased the mean day of death; however, no drug prevented death. In mice inoculated intravaginally, local treatment with exogenous interferon or poly(I) · poly(C) appeared to reduce the mean titers of virus in genital secretions and resulted in earlier clearance of infection in some animals. Systemic treatment of genital H. hominis type 2 infections with all drugs resulted in significant numbers of infected animals surviving the infection, although the mean titers of virus in genital secretions were unchanged. Therapeutic efficacy varied depending on the route of viral inoculation.