Impairment of antipyrine clearance in humans by propranolol.

The effect of propranolol on antipyrine clearance in humans was evaluated in six healthy volunteers who received single 1.4 to 1.5 g doses of intravenous antipyrine on two occasions. The first (control) antipyrine trial was without concurrent drug administration; the second trial was done during treatment with therapeutic doses of propranolol (40 mg every 4 to 6 hours). Antipyrine elimination half-life (t1/2), volume of distribution (Vd), and total clearance were determined after each trial. In all subjects isoproterenol sensitivity decreased markedly during propranolol treatment, indicating a high degree of beta blockade produced by the drug. Mean antipyrine t1/2 during the propranolol treatment period was significantly prolonged, and total clearance significantly reduced, over the control values. Twenty-four-hour urinary excretion of 4-hydroxyantipyrine, the major metabolite of antipyrine, likewise was reduced from 23.6% of the dose on the control trial to 14.8% of the dose during propranolol coadministration (0.1 less than P less than 0.2). Vd however, was nearly identical during both trials (0.62 L/kg). Thus propranolol prolongs the half-life and reduces the clearance or biotransformation rate of antipyrine, a drug whose clearance is independent of hepatic blood flow. Propranolol may influence the activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes responsible for drug hydroxylation.