Quark-antiquark interaction at all momentum transfers

The running coupling constant of quantum chromodynamics αs(q2) is obtained for all q2 by integrating the renormalization-group equation. The β function in the asymptotic- freedom region is given by perturbation theory through order g5 and at large coupling by the string model with string tension related to the Regge slope α. We incorporate these features into a Padé approximant to the β function thereby obtaining it for all g. The constant of integration Λ of the renormalization-group equation is chosen to be about 500 MeV, as required by deep-inelastic phenomenology. αs is thus completely determined by α, Λ, and the first two terms of the β function. The resulting charmonium and ϒ spectroscopy is in excellent agreement with experiment. In particular the ϒϒ mass difference is forced to be nearly equal to the ψψ mass difference. In addition, it is shown that the structure of αs(q) signals the presence of instantons.

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