A Noninvasive Scintiphotographic Method for Detecting Regional Ventricular Dysfunction in Man

Regional left ventricular dysfunction (asynergy) can be detected by a noninvasive scintiphotographic technic. After intravenous injection of radionuclide (technetium-99m-albumin) electrocardiographically controlled cardiac images (scintiphotographs) are obtained in end-systole and in end-diastole with an Anger scintillation camera. By superimposition of end-systolic and end-diastolic traced images, an assessment of left ventricular wall contraction can be made, and the extent of wall movement quantified. The changes in scintiphotographic ventricular dimensions correlate well with measurements obtained with contrast cineangiography. Eleven patients with ventricular dysfunction were studied by scintiphotographic and contrast radiographic technics. In eight of these, a localized area of impaired left ventricular contraction was demonstrated by both methods. This noninvasive technic appears to offer a safe and repeatable means for assessing regional left ventricular function.