Arrhenius-Parameter und kinetischer Isotopeneffekt für die Reaktion von Wasserstoffatomen mit Silan

The Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Silane; Arrhenius Parameters and Kinetic Isotope Effect Relative rate constants were measured for the systems H + C2H4/SiD4 and D + C2D4/SiH4 over a wide temperature range. From the known arrheniusparameter for the reaction H + C2H4 the activation energy EA and the preexponential factor A of the abstraction reaction H + SiD4 → HD + SiD3 may be calculated. Values of EA = 3.2 kcal/Mol and A = 4.92 • 1013 cm3 Mol-1 sec-1 were obtained. Upper limits for the kinetic isotope effects are given in the paper