Second-Order Weak Processes and Weak-Interaction Cutoff

The problem of the weak-interaction cutoff Λ has been studied with the universal current-current theory (UFI) and the intermediate-vector-boson (IVB) model, using the Bjorken technique to treat the high-energy behavior and the "hard meson" technique of Weinberg and Schnitzer. With these methods, the most divergent contributions to the second-order weak decay KL0μμ¯ and KL0KS0 mass difference Δm are essentially independent of strong interaction. From KL0μμ¯ decay, Λ35100 BeV, and from Δm, Λ34 BeV. With this latter value of Λ, the predicted rate of KL0μμ¯ is reduced to a value obtained by Bég treating this process as first-order in weak and second-order in electromagnetic interaction. The Bég calculation is redone with the algebra of currents, and the soft-kaon contribution to KL0μμ¯ is calculated with both the UFI and IVB models. A possible origin of the low value of Λ deduced from Δm is discussed.