Binding of a possible transition state analogue to the active site of carboxypeptidase A.

The mode of binding of the competitive inhibitor 2-benzyl-3-formylpropanoic acid to the active site of carboxypeptidase A has been studied by X-ray diffraction methods to a resolutoin of 1.7 .ANG.. The actual speciesbound to the enzyme was determined to be the gem-diol resulting from covalent hydration at the aldehyde carbonyl. Details relating to the process of association of inhibitor with enzyme are unknown at this time: the free aldehyde could initially bind to the enzyme and subsequently undergo catalytic hydration; or, the hydrate itself could be the species initially binding to the enzyme, because it does exist to a high degree (25%) in aqueous solution. Nevertheless, the structure of the complex reported is reminiscent of a possible tetrahedral intermediate through would be encountered in a general base hydrolytic mechanism. Of course, other mechanistic proposals, such as the anhydride pathway, cannot be ruled out simply on the basis of the structure of this enzyme-inhibitor complex.