Computer-aided design of a Si avalanche photodiode

A computer-aided design of a Si avalanche photodiode is presented. As an example, the design of the boron diffused photodiode with a desired time constant is carried out. The choice of an area of an active region is not affected by a diffusion condition but primarily by a substrate impurity concentration. For a very high speed response a moderate substrate impurity concentration must be selected. For a longer time constant than about 0.1 ns an increasing area of an active region is acceptable with a decreasing substrate impurity concentration. In a lightly doped substrate, a uniform multiplication of an active region cannot occur. Using the usual diffusion technique the acceptable highest resistivity of a substrate is about 1-2 Ω.cm. The capacitance of the guard ring occupies a considerable part in a total capacitance. Calculated results are in good agreement with experimental results.