Studies on Bayer 205 (Germanin) and Antrypol

Investigations were made to determine the cause of the long retention of Bayer 205 (or Antrypol) in the animal body after its inj. In particular, the possibilities of storage in certain organs, and combination with plasma- and tissue-proteins were studied. There is no marked storage of the drug in the liver, heart, muscle, lung, brain, adrenals or pancreas of rabbits which have received 1, 2 or 3 injs. of Antrypol. Each of these organs, except the brain, retains a small but measurable amt. of the drug, possibly in combination with tissue proteins. The kidneys contain considerably more Antrypol than the other tissues and the conc. in the kidney varies appreciably from one animal to another. The kidney retention is of special significance as albuminuria frequently follows the inj. of the drug into man. The spleen contains a little more of the drug than do the other organs examined, but considerably less than the kidney. Slight retention in the spleen might possibly be due to association of the drug with the reticulo-endothelial system. Various protein fractions were separated from the serum and plasma of injected rabbits, and from normal serum to which Bayer 205 was added. Plasma globulin and probably other proteins can combine (by adsorption or otherwise) with this drug. The conclusion is reached that the long retention of Bayer 205 in the animal body is due to the combination of the drug with plasma and tissue proteins.

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