Body Image

Neurologic lesions of the angular or supramarginal gyrii may produce discrete changes in the patient's conceptualization of his own body or portions of it.1 Because of such syndromes, neurologists have long been familiar with disturbances in the body image, but it remained for such introspectionists as William James and Paul Schilder to elaborate the concept of a psychologic functioning that maintained an internal mental representation of the bodily self.2 Freud probably had something of this sort in mind when he stated in The Ego and the Id, "The ego is first and foremost a body ego."3 The psychologic and psychoanalytic work of the last half century has continued to clarify and elaborate this concept. The purpose of this paper is clarification of two aspects of the body-image theory: the layering of bodyimage constructs in any person, and the extension of the body-image construct