Solution structure of neuronal bungarotoxin determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy: sequence-specific assignments, secondary structure, and dimer formation

The solution structure of neuronal bungarotoxin (nBgt) has been studied by using two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. Sequence-specific assignments for over 95% of the backbone resonances and 85% of the side-chain resonances have been made by using a series of two-dimensional spectra at four temperatures. From these assignments over 75% of the NOESY spectrum has been assigned, which has in turn provided 582 distance constraints. Twenty-seven coupling constants (NH-alpha CH) were determined from the COSY spectra, which have provided dihedral angle constraints. In addition, hydrogen exchange experiments have suggested the probable position of hydrogen bonds. The NOE constraints, dihedral angle constraints, and the rates of amide proton exchange suggest that a triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet is the major component of secondary structure, which includes 25% of the amino acid residues. A number of NOE peaks were observed that were inconsistent with the antiparallel beta-sheet structure. Because we have confirmed by sedimentation equilibrium that nBgt exists as a dimer, we have reinterpreted these NOE constraints as intermolecular interactions. These constraints suggest that the dimer consists of a six-stranded antiparallel beta sheet (three from each monomer), with residues 55-59 forming the dimer interface.