Monilial Peritonitis

THE PRESENT report was prompted by the finding of monilial peritonitis in a uremic patient who underwent repeated peritoneal dialyses. Monilial involvement of other organ systems is common but only four cases of monilial peritonitis have been found in a review of the literature. Inasmuch as peritoneal dialysis, now a widely used technique, is presumed to have been the cause of the infection, it was deemed of interest to report this unusual type of moniliasis. Report of a Case A 42-year-old man was transferred to the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital for treatment of uremia on June 4, 1964. Proteinuria was first noted at age 15, but the patient served in the US Navy from 1942 to 1945 without difficulty though he was given a medical discharge for "nephritis." He was well until November 1963, when he was hospitalized with anemia and vomiting which remitted after transfusions and parenteral fluids. Heart