Light induction of the clock-controlled geneccg-1 is not transduced through the circadian clock inNeurospora crassa

Ambient light and the circadian clock have been shown to be capable of acting either independently or in an interrelated fashion to regulate the expression of conidiation in the ascomycete fungusNeurospora crassa. Recently several molecular correlates of the circadian clock have been identified in the form of the morning-specific clock-controlled genesccg-1 andccg-2. In this paper we report studies on the regulation ofccg-1, an abundantly expressed gene displaying complex regulation. Consistent with an emerging consensus for clock-controlled genes and conidiation genes inNeurospora, we report thatccg-1 expression is induced by light, and show that this induction is independent of the direct effects of light on the circadian clock. Although circadian regulation of the gene is lost in strains lacking a functional clock, expression ofccg-1 is still not constitutive, but rather fluctuates in concert with changes in developmental potential seen in such strains. Light induction ofccg-1 requires the products of theNeurospora wc-1 andwc-2 genes, but surprisingly the requirement forwc-2 is suppressed in conditional mutants ofcot-1, a gene that encodes a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These data provide insight into a complex regulatory web, involving at least circadian clock control, light control, metabolic control, and very probably developmental regulation, that governs the expression ofccg-1.