The Association of Rickettsia with Trench Fever

The following contains a preliminary account of the work on the Etiology and Pathology of Trench Fever which has been done at the Lister Institute in connection with the War Office Committee on Trench Fever under the Chairmanship of Major-General Sir David Bruce, F.R.S. A first account from the Clinical side has been published in a paper by Major Byam, R.A.M.C., and his colleagues at the New End Military Hospital, Hampstead, and read before the Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in May of last year. We have been mainly dependent for our material on Major Byam and the rest of the Medical Staff of the New End Hospital and are very much indebted to them for their help and courtesy. We are under an especial obligation to Lieut. Ll. Lloyd, R.A.M.C., who has carried out that part of the entomological work done at the Hospital, taking immense pains in supervision and in obtaining the material which we required.