A possible mechanism for regulating the lateral growth of collagen fibrils in vivo is considered. A growth inhibitor associated with a particular part of the long semiflexible collagen molecule restricts that part of the molecule to the surface of the growing assembly. Lateral accretion ceases when these inhibitors form a complete circumferential layer around the fibril surface. Cell-mediated removal of the inhibitors allows lateral growth to proceed to a second limiting layer, and so on to subsequent limiting layers. In this way, cycles of inhibitor removal and limited lateral accretion permit growth to be synchronized over large populations of fibrils. Observed diameter distributions in bundles of embryonic and neonatal fibrils are those expected from a mechanism of this kind. The mechanism depends on the existence of axial order (D-periodicity) in fibrils, but not on any specific lateral packing of molecules. Rather, contacts between newly assembled molecules are presumed to be partly fluid-like in lateral directions (except where covalent cross-links have formed). Some initial fluidity in lateral packing prior to cross-linking does not preclude the subsequent emergence of quasi-crystalline packing as cross-links form. The cylindrical shape of fibrils in vivo may also be attributable in part to fluidity of intermolecular contacts at the growing surface.