Secretion of Dietary Strontium 90 and Calcium in Human Milk.

In 4 out of 5 normal healthy women Sr90/Ca ratio in milk ranged from 0.085 to 0.13 of diet with average 0.10. These values are essentially the same as reported for lactating animals. The value for the other subject was 0.028, and it is considered most likely that this was a result of relatively low Ca intake (about 1 g/day), which probably led to marked negative Ca balance and thus invalidated the procedure. If we assume relationship between Sr/Ca ratio in blood and milk is the same for the human as for cow and goat, it can be calculated that Sr/Ca ratio in these subjects would be about 0.25 that in diet consumed. This value is in agreement with other values obtained for man by methods based on other assumptions.

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