The t-SNARE AtVAM3p Resides on the Prevacuolar Compartment in Arabidopsis Root Cells

Protein cargo is trafficked between the organelles of the endomembrane system inside transport vesicles, a process mediated by integral membrane proteins called SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) that reside on the surface of the vesicle (v-SNAREs) and target membrane (t-SNAREs). In examining transport of cargo between the trans-Golgi network and the vacuole in Arabidopsis, we have previously characterized AtPEP12p as a t-SNARE residing on the prevacuolar compartment and AtVTI1a as a v-SNARE that interacts with AtPEP12p. Recently, we have begun to characterize AtVAM3p, another Arabidopsis t-SNARE that shows high sequence homology to AtPEP12p. We have found that AtVTI1a also interacts with AtVAM3p, suggesting a role for this t-SNARE in post-Golgi trafficking. AtVAM3p has been suggested to localize to the vacuolar membrane in Arabidopsis cells; however, using specific antisera and expression of epitope-tagged versions of each t-SNARE, we have discovered that AtVAM3p is found on the same prevacuolar structure as AtPEP12p in Arabidopsis root cells.