Radial Momentum DistributionsI0(p)and Compton ProfilesJ(q). TheS1Be Atom Ground State

The natural orbitals (NO) obtained from S1 Be atom ground-state wave functions which incorporate various amounts of the correlation energy are Fourier transformed to momentum space in order to obtain radial momentum distributions J0(p). Momentum distributions calculated from several analytical restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) wave functions are also presented. Correlated and RHF Compton profile values J(q) are found to be in better agreement than the corresponding I0(p) values. In the "valence shell" portion of the I0(p) distribution, relative differences as large as 25% are observed between correlated and RHF values, whereas in the "core" portion of I0(p) the correlated and RHF values are in relatively good agreement. The virial theorem is used to explain the differences observed between correlated and RHF I0(p) distributions. Basis set effects are found to be negligible in comparison with correlation effects. The present calculations indicate that much of the discrepancy between correlated and RHF I0(p) values, at least for the S1 Be ground state, is due to the 2s2p "near-degeneracy" effect. They also demonstrate that the node found when examining the long-range behavior of the RHF 1s orbital in position space is of a spurious nature.