Arterial lysosomes and connective tissue in primate atherosclerosis and hypertension.

The cellular events that occur in the vessel wall consequent to changes in endothelial permeability result in the progression of vascular disease, particularly atherosclerosis. Female rhesus monkeys were fed an atherogenic diet or were made hypertensive for 6-8 months; and their vessels were then compared with vessels from control monkeys. Length-defined segments of coronary vessels, the thoracic aorta, and the abdominal aorta showed significant increases in total connective tissue in the atherosclerotic and hypertensive groups; pulmonary vessels did not. The diseased aortic segments had increased levels of two lysosomal enzymes, acid phosphatase and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase; pulmonary vessels were not diseased and did not show these changes. Coronary vessels from the atherosclerotic and hypertensive groups did not show an increase in enzyme levels on biochemical measurements, but focal accumulations of lysosomes were identified by cytochemical techniques. In atherosclerotic lesions, a doubling of cholesterol and more than a tenfold increase in cholesterol ester were found. These connective tissue and lysosomal changes are early features of primate vascular disease and may result from the accumulation of excessive substrate (cholesterol ester) in the lysosomes of vascular smooth muscle cells.