Sectioning Insects with Sclerotized Cuticle

Adult insects of different orders including beetles were fixed in a mixture of a saturated solution of picric acid in 90% alcohol, 75 parts; formalin, 25 parts; nitric acid (cone), 8 parts, 4–6 days and even up to 10 days depending upon the hardness of the cuticle (addition of 5% mercuric chloride to this mixture is recommended when prolonged immersion is required), or in Carnoy and Lebruns' fluid 24–48 hours and then transferred to a solution of 3–6 parts of nitric acid in 100 parts of 90% alcohol (3–6 days). After dehydration in different grades of alcohol, the insects were double embedded in celloidin and paraffin, either by (1) clove oil for 1 day, then to a saturated solution of celloidin in clove oil matured for at least 2 months for 20–40 days, or (2) the conventional ether-alcohol-celloidin mixture for 7 days; followed by hardening in chloroform. The difficulty in the proper infiltration of paraffin into celloidin hardened by chloroform around the insect is avoided by keeping the block overnight in a mixture of paraffin, 1 part; chloroform, 5 parts. The rest of the technic is essentially the same as that followed in cutting sections after double embedding.

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