The root nodule bacteria of alfalfa, bean, dalea, pea, red clover, soybean, and sweet clover were cultured in a soil extract with 0.05-0.1% K2HPO4 and 1% glucose or sucrose. Sugar utilization of 5.4-36.0% occurred. Total N analyses were made on the cultures, using both the Davisson-Parsons method and the Gunning method modified to include nitrate N. The former method[long dash]more reliable for the determination of total N including nitrate N[long dash]gave no evidence of fixation of N beyond experimental error. The modified Gunning analyses showed an apparent fixation which is explained by a loss of nitrate N from the controls during analysis. When analyses were made by a reliable method of N determination, none of the 12 strains of nodule bacteria used fixed N in amounts above experimental error.