Daily Fluctuations in the Concentrations of Total Sugar and Uric Acid in the Hemolymph of Periplaneta Americana1, 2

In adult males and females of the American cockroach, Periplaneta Americana (L.), held under a 12-hour-dark: 12-hour-light photoperiod, uric acid concentration is highest at the end of the light period, and total sugar concentration is highest at the end of the dark period. Eventhough the daily fluctuation patterns are similar for the sexes, a substantial difference is seen between the sexes in the level of these 2 substances. The average sugar level in males is 1188 milligrams per 100 milliliters of hemolymphas compared with 551 mg per 100 ml of hemolymph for females. Uric acid has an average concentration of 18.1 mg per 100 ml in males and 26.5 mg per 100 ml infemales. Locomotor activity of males was monitored and found to occur almost exclusively during the first few hours of the dark period.