Surveys of Nutrition of Populations. 4. The Vitamin D and Calcium Nutrition of a Rural Population in Middle Tennessee

The features presented include the individual dietary intake of Ca; medical history and findings of a physical examination; the conc, of Ca and P and the level of alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood; and the results of an x-ray examination of bones of the wrist, forearm, ankle, and leg. Comparisons with the recommended allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board indicated that the intake of Ca was frequently deficient, but clinical or laboratory evidence of Ca deficiency was uncommon. Clinical or laboratory evidence of rickets (including x-ray) was found in about 25% of the subjects under 3 yrs. of age, but in some of these the disease was probably healed. Despite some x-ray evidence of osteoporosis and an elevated phosphatase activity in a few older children and adults, instances of deficiency of vit. D, or vit. D combined with Ca, were very few.