SUMMARY: In extracts of mature wheat grains, 13 hexokinase isozymes were distinguished by IEF. The genes controlling the production of five isozymes were located on chromosome arms 1BS, 1DS and 3BS by nullisomic analysis. The three loci, part of two homoeoallelic series (Hk-1 and Hk-2) are designated Hk-B1, Hk-D1 and Hk-B2 respectively. Analysis of chromosome 1D short-arm terminal deletions indicated the Hk-D1 locus to be located proximally to the glucose phosphate isomerase locus, Gpi-D1 on the shortarm. Three variant HK phenotypes were distinguished amongst 55 hexaploid wheats examined. Analysis of seven Chinese Spring/Agropyron elongatum chromosome addition lines showed that Ag. elongatum isozymes were expressed in the wheat background in additions IV and V.