Measurement of the upper critical magnetic field of superconductors with magnetic impurities

We have measured the upper critical magnetic field, Hc2(T), for In-Mn and Pb-Mn films, in which the Mn is a magnetic impurity. The results are compared with the additive-pair-breaking theory of Fulde and Maki, which predicts that the pair-breaking effect of the magnetic impurities is temperature-independent and that the pair-breaking effects of the magnetic impurities and of the applied magnetic field are additive. Furthermore, the theory predicts the explicit temperature dependence of Hc2(T) The results indicate that the temperature dependence of Hc2 is well described by the Fulde-Maki theory for In-Mn, but not for Pb-Mn, probably because of the strong-electron-phonon coupling in Pb. For both In-Mn and Pb-Mn, the results indicate that the pair-breaking effect of the magnetic impurities is temperature independent, and that the pair-breaking effects of the magnetic impurities and the applied magnetic field are additive, so the concepts inherent in the Fulde-Maki theory are supported. We find no evidence in the data of the Kondo effect or of impurity spin alignment.