The Concept of Skeletal Age

The uniqueness of the individual child is a biological fact that is recognized by students of child development. Applications of concepts based upon this realization involve the use of methods and technics which allow for the expression of this individuality. One can evaluate bio-physiological development in terms of the progressive maturation of the skeleton. The result is known as skeletal age, in which the two variables, biological and chronological age, are related. The application of this principle permits comprehensive assessment of growth status and growth potential in a particular child. Skeletal age is an excellent means of expressing the growth age of a child. At more specific levels, accurate estimates of adult stature can be obtained from the hand-wrist x-ray. Incomplete research indicates that other growth variables may be more confidently predicted, also. This ability to predict can be of aid to those who work with children, and has applications in both physical and behavioral areas of study.