Double-quantum cross-polarization NMR in solids

Double-quantum NMR is a useful way to obtain spectra of quadrupolar nuclei (D2, N14,...) in solids. This allows measurements of the chemical shifts for these nuclear spins. The theory of Hartmann-Hahn cross polarization between I=12 and such S=1 spins is discussed. Particular attention is drawn to the cross polarization of the double-quantum transition. The thermodynamics and the dynamics of the process are evoked in detail using a fictitious spin-½ formalism. The spin S=1 Hamiltonian can always be factored into two commuting parts (independent thermodynamic reservoirs), one of which behaves as a fictitious spin ½ which is cross polarized with the I=12 spins. Modified Hartmann-Hahn conditions emerge from the theory, and the dependence of cross-polarization times TIS on rf intensity and frequency for spin locking and adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating-frame experiments are calculated. Measurements on the H1-D2 double resonance in dilute solid benzene-d1 are reported, verifying the predictions and indicating that cross polarization provides a sensitive means of detecting the D2 double-quantum transition. Values are reported for the thermodynamic parameters and cross-polarization times as a consequence. Three possible versions of double-resonance detection of double-quantum spectra are possible—direct detection of the cross-polarized double-quantum decay, indirect detection of the frequency spectrum following Hartmann and Hahn, and indirect detection of the free-induction decay following Mansfield and Grannell.