Angular Distribution of 10.8 Mev Deuterons Scattered by Deuterons

Cross sections for the elastic scattering of deuterons by deuterons have been measured for incident energy of 10.8 Mev at laboratory angles from 17.5 degrees to 57 degrees at 2.5 degree intervals. The deuteron beam from the Los Alamos cyclotron was focused on a thin gas target containing deuterium, and the scattered deuterons were detected in a proportional counter. A selsyn-controlled foil shutter mounted in front of the counter prevented He3, and H3 at angles greater than 40 degrees, from entering the counter. H1, and H3 at the smaller angles, were discriminated against by using a ten-channel pulse amplitude analyzer. Typical values of the elastic scattering cross section at 10.8 Mev, in barns per unit solid angle, are given in the table for several angles in the center of mass system. The experimental curve is symmetrical about 90 degrees in the center of mass system.