Loss factor height and width limits for polymer relaxations

Polymer relaxations at the glass transition are often used in damping applications. Questions arise whether there is any limit to the height and width of the damping peak that can be achieved. A related question is whether there are any limits on the combination of these two properties that are achievable. This later question arises because of the experimental observation that the height of the peak is inversely related to the width of the peak. In this paper, these questions are addressed using various analytical models of polymer behavior. Starting with the single relaxation timemodel and progressing to the Cole–Cole model, the Davidson–Cole model, and finally the Havriliak–Negami (HN) model, height and width predictions are obtained. It is found that the HN model predicts a band of physically possible height and width combinations when using reasonable values of the model parameters. High peaks are narrow and broad peaks are low. For a loss factor peak height of 2, the half‐width must be less than 3 decades; for a half‐width of 8 decades, the peak height must be less than 0.5. A comparison with experimental data for polymers of widely varying properties is in good agreement with these predictions.