Chromosomal location of genes for gliadin polypeptides in durum wheat Triticum turgidum L.

The chromosomal location of genes was determined for 19 of 30 gliadin bands extracted from seeds of a set of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. ‘durum’) aneuploids and durum cultivars. Individual bands were identified by their relative mobility on polyacrylamide gels. The gene(s) for gliadin band 45, which has been associated with strong gluten by several authors, was shown to be controlled by chromosome 1 B. A band with similar mobility (band 46) was controlled by ‘Chinese Spring’ chromosome 1D. Conventional breeding procedures coupled with the use of electrophoresis of gliadin polypeptides should result in rapid conversion of current weaker gluten durum cultivars to strong gluten cultivars.