Electronic stacking-fault states in silicon

The nonorthogonal-tight-binding (NTB) method is applied to calculate the electronic-defect states in silicon which are produced by intrinsic, extrinsic, and twin stacking faults (ISF, ESF, and TSF, respectively) along a 111 axis. This NTB scheme, which utilizes a supercell geometry, includes sp orbitals at each atomic site and contains two-center energy-overlap parameters spanning three shells of neighbors. The NTB parameters are determined by an accurate fit (rms error≅0.1 eV) to the bulk silicon band structure of Chelikowsky and Cohen. These NTB results are also applied to calculate the stacking-fault energies γ; neglecting relaxation effects, this calculation yields a value for γISF which is about twice the observed value and the relative values γISFγESF2γTSF. It is shown that relaxation of the perfect-crystal interlayer spacings near the fault planes reduce the corresponding γ's by about 50%, thereby bringing the calculated and observed values for γISF into close agreement. The defect states produced by these three types of stacking faults are all qualitatively similar. They include states which are located about 0.1 eV above the valence-band maximum. However, contrary to a recent experimental study on an ESF, no fault states are found with energies below the conduction-band mimimum.