Cis- and trans-acting elements involved in the regulation of the erythroid promoter of the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene.

Two cis-acting sequences, recognized by two erythroid-specific trans-acting factors, are involved in the regulation of the erythroid promoter of the human gene coding for porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD). The first region, located at -70, binds the erythroid factor NF-E1, and point mutations within this region abolish the induction of transcription of this promoter during murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cell differentiation. The second region, located at -160, binds the erythroid-specific factor NF-E2 and the ubiquitous factor AP1. Using UV cross-linking, we show that NF-E2 has a higher molecular weight than AP1, demonstrating that NF-E2 is not an erythroid-specific degradation product of AP1. By point mutagenesis of the NF-E2/AP1 binding site, we define mutations that abolish binding of either NF-E2 alone or AP1 and NF-E2 together. Regulation of transcription of the PBGD erythroid promoter is abolished by those mutations, suggesting that NF-E2 but not AP1 is necessary for correct regulation of this promoter in erythroid cells.