Lifetime of the 1.52-MeV Level inCa42

Nuclear resonance fluorescence from the first excited state of Ca42 has been observed. The K42 beta decay provided the recoil needed to restore the resonance condition. To fully utilize this recoil, a gaseous source of K42 iodide was used. The measured cross section for resonance scattering corresponds to a width Γ=(4.8±1.1)×104 eV for the 1.52-MeV 2+ level in Ca42, or a mean life of 1.4×1012 sec. In arriving at this result, the coefficient λ in the beta-neutrino angular correlation function W(θ)=1+λ(vc)cosθ was assumed to have the value 13. The error quoted above for the width Γ takes into account the possibility that λ may range from 13 to +1. The reduced E2 transition probability corresponding to the measured width, B(E2, 20)=74e2F4, is eight times larger than the Weisskopf estimate, and more than 20 times larger than the prediction of a recent calculation by Bertsch.