Production Responses of Cows to Recombinantly Derived Bovine Somatotropin and to Frequency of Milking

To determine whether bST additively increases milk production in cows milked at different frequencies per day, 118 Holstein primiparous and multiparous cows were milked two or three times daily beginning at parturition and received either 14 mg of bST or no injection beginning at d 75 of lactation. Increased milking frequency from two to three times daily increased 3.5% FCM in multiparous (4.7 kg/d) and primiparous (4.1 kg/d) cows over 305 d. Injection of bST increased FCM 4.3 kg/d in multiparous cows and 5.0 kg/d in primiparous cows over 230 d. Increased milking frequency from two to three times daily reduced milk fat and protein percentages in milk, but bST generally did not affect these percentages. Injection of bST prevented increases in body condition score as lactation advanced, but increasing milking frequency from two to three times daily did not. In general, bST and increased milking frequency additively increased FCM in multiparous and primiparous cows.