A follow-up examination was made of 317 patients 7-9 yr. after partial gastrectomy for gastric or duodenal ulcer. The restless legs syndrome was found to have developed after operation in 40 cases (12.6%). In 18 patients, 15 of them women, symptoms of pica and restless legs were present concurrently. The hemoglobin and serum iron values were determined in 13 cases; a low hemoglobin level and sideropenia were found in all of them. In the remaining 5 cases, the history gave reason to suspect previous iron-deficiency anemia. After operation, many patients had repeated, periodic anemia with concurrent symptoms of restless legs. The latter disappeared when the anemia was treated. A high incidence of moderate or severe postcibal symptoms (dumping) was found in the 18 patients with coincident pica and the restless legs syndrome. A triad of pica, restless legs and severe dumping was observed in 6 cases, all women in the lower age groups.

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