Anion‐Induced Urea Deprotonation

The urea-based receptor 1 (1-(7-nitrobenzo[1,2,5]oxadiazol-4-yl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)urea, LH), interacts with X ions in MeCN, according to two consecutive steps: 1) formation of a hydrogen-bond complex [LH⋅⋅⋅X]; 2) deprotonation of LH to give L and [HX2], as shown by spectrophotometric and 1H NMR titration experiments. Step 2) takes place with more basic anions (fluoride, carboxylates, dihydrogenphosphate), while less basic anions (Cl, NO2, NO3) do not induce proton transfer. On crystallisation from a solution containing LH and excess Bu4NF, the tetrabutylammonium salt of the deprotonated urea derivative (Bu4N[L]) was isolated and its crystal and molecular structure determined.