Two groups of intervertebral discs, one normal, as obtained from the post-mortem room, the other prolapsed, as removed at operation, have been compared by chemical analysis of their principal constituents. There is a progression of chemical changes associated with the ageing of the normal disc. This shows not only the expected slight increase in collagen as age advances, but also, surprisingly, that the polysaccharide content rises to a maximum in the fourth decade, in the same way as does polysaccharide in costal cartilage. In prolapsed discs the ageing process is superseded by a different and distinctive progression, which advances, not according to age, but according to the duration of the prolapse. There is a critical level to which the polysaccharide content must apparently fall, irrespective of the normal level for the patient's age, before a prolapse occurs. Normal ageing probably consists in the breakdown of a particular polysaccharide/protein linkage, with coincident "maturation" of collagen. In the prolapsing disc multiple, and possibly different, linkages are rapidly broken down. This depolymerisation of a gel structure must be presumed to be the basis of the decreased imbibition capacity of the nucleus pulposus, and to be the source of the hydrostatic abnormalities which result in disc prolapse. In both normal and prolapsing discs the products of mucopolysaccharide breakdown appear to participate in the metabolism of collagen.