Monte Carlo studies of an fcc Ising antiferromagnet with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions

We have investigated, via Monte Carlo computations, the phase diagram of an ordering binary alloy-equivalent to an Ising spin system-on an fcc lattice with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor pair interactions H=JΣnnσiσjαJΣnnnσiσj, σi=±1, J>0. Our studies indicate that this system undergoes a first-order transition; i.e., there is a discontinuity in the energy and order parameters as a function of temperature, for values 1α0.25. For larger values of |α| the transition appears to be continuous, without any metastable states. Our results are in good agreement with Kikucki's cluster variation method at the two values of α at which it has been applied, namely, 0 and -0.25. For α0.5 renormalization-group arguments strongly indicate that the transition is first order. If this is so, then our results indicate that the discontinuities for α<1 must be very small. The nature of the ground states changes at α=0 and 0.5. At these values of α the ground states are infinitely degenerate. The structure of the low-temperature phases, at all values of α, is discussed.