Flow cytometry of mammalian sperm: progress in DNA and morphology measurement.

Variability in DNA content and head shape of mammalian sperm are potentially useful markers for flow cytometric monitoring of genetic damage in spermatogenic cells. The high refractive index and extreme flatness of the sperm heads produce an optical effect which interferes with DNA measurements in flow cytometers which have dye excitation and fluorescence light collection normal to the axis of flow. Orientation of sperm in flow controls this effect and results in coefficients of variation of 2.5% and 4.2%, respectively, for DNA measurements of mouse and human sperm. Alternatively, the optical effect can be used to generate shape-related information. Measurements on randomly oriented sperm from three mammalian species using a pair of fluorescence detectors indicate that large shape differences are detectable. Acriflavine-Feulgen stained sperm nuclei are significantly bleached during flow cytometric measurements at power levels routinely used in many flow cytometers. Dual beam studies of this phenomenon indicate it may be useful in detecting abnormally shaped sperm.