On 24 occasions over a 36-day period, 42 males albino rats were placed in distinctive boxes for 1 hr. when 1 hr. hungry and in qualitatively different boxes for 1 hr. when approximately 20 hr. hungry. Fourteen Ss were assigned to each of 3 conditions of delay of return to home cage and food following strong-drive training (a) immediate return to home cage and food, (b) immediate return to home cage but with food delayed, and (c) delayed return to both home cage and food. Later, Ss were given a 1-hr. eating period in each box under 11-hr. hunger. Significantly more food was eaten in the strong-drive than in the weak-drive box by all groups with Ss of Cond. b tending to eat more in the strong-drive box and less in the weak-drive box than Ss of Cond. a and c.