Unanesthetized immature albino rabbits exposed to 2 hours of severe but reversible hemorrhagic shock induced with aseptic precautions by multiple cardiac bleedings exhibited no increase in susceptibility to single intravenous injections of 200 [mu]g/kg Escherichia coli endotoxin administered 4 hours post retransfusion, a quantity of endotoxin that was found to be the largest dose uniformly non-lethal to normal rabbits. Paired and randomly selected rabbits treated identically except for the additional procedure of a femoral arterial cutdown and ligation (without aseptic precautions) exhibited increases in susceptibility to the same endotoxin of several hundredfold. The mechanisms increasing the susceptibility to E. coli endotoxin were investigated. It was found that (a) rabbit femoral skeletal muscle is normally contaminated with clostridia, (b) the use of aseptic femoral wounding precautions exerted some suggestive protective influence, (c) the use of aseptic wounding precautions combined with immediate topical sulfanilamide and wound closure exerted a significant protective influence, and (d) prophylactic polyvalent gas gangrene antitoxin protected in a manner not demonstrable when diphtheria antitoxin was employed as a control. Femoral artery ligation was also found to lead to plasma transudation equivalent to a mean of 30% of the original plasma volume. It is postulated that clostridial wound infection and plasma loss are major wound factors responsible for lowering endotoxin resistance of rabbits following hemorrhage.