The Minkowski sum of two plane curves can be regarded as the area generated by sweeping one curve along the other. The boundary of the Minkowski sum consists of translated portions of the given curves and/or portions of a more complicated curve, the “envelope” of translates of the swept curve. We show that the Minkowski-sum boundary is describable as an algebraic curve (or subset thereof) when the given curves are algebraic, and illustrate the computation of its implicit equation. However, such equations are typically of high degree and do not offer a practical basis for tracing the boundary. For the case of polynomial parametric curves, we formulate a simple numerical procedure to address the latter problem, based on constructing the Gauss maps of the given curves and using them to identifying “corresponding” curve segments that are to be summed. This yields a set of discretely-sampled arcs that constitutes a superset of the Minkowski-sum boundary, and can be regarded as a planar graph. To extract the true boundary, we present a method for identifying and “trimming” away extraneous arcs by systematically traversing this graph.