Failure of Glucagon Release in Infants of Diabetic Mothers

Two hours after birth 30 normal infants had a fall in blood glucose of 20·6 mg/100 ml and a rise of plasma pancreatic glucagon of 50·7 pg/ml. Fifteen infants of diabetic mothers treated with insulin had a much greater fall in blood glucose of 77·5 mg/100 ml and a smaller rise of glucagon of 20·9 pg/ml. By comparison 14 small-for-dates infants, who are also prone to hypoglycaemia, had a blood glucose fall of 32·8 mg/100 ml and a larger rise of pancreatic glucagon of 96·0 pg/ml. It is suggested that the impaired pancreatic glucagon rise in the infants of diabetic mothers may be a significant factor in their hypoglycaemia.