Brundtland, G. H. (Oslo City Health Dept., Oslo 1, Norway) and B. Hovig. Screening for bacteriuria in school-girls. An evaluation of a dipslide culture method and the urinary glucose method. Am J Epidemiol 97: 246–254, 1973.—In a screening project within The School Health Services of Oslo, 1035 girls aged 8–12 years were examined for bacteriuria by the use of two different screening methods, a dip-slide culture method, and the dip-stick urinary glucose method. A persistent bacteriuria was found in 35 girls, a prevalence of 3.4%, with a statistically significant gradual decrease by age from 6.1% for age 8 to 2.1% for age 11. The dip-slide method was found to have a specificity for screening purposes of 98.8%, and is considered to be well suited for screening programs of this sort. The sensitivity of the urinary glucose method was found to be 66%. It is not considered a satisfactory screening method for bacteriuria.