Nuclear Longitudinal Relaxation in Hexagonal Close-PackedH2

Measurements of the nuclear-longitudinal relaxation time T1 in hcp H2 are presented. The experiments were performed mainly on solid samples with mole fractions X of molecules with rotational angular momentum J=1 equal to or less than X=0.5. Pulsed techniques were used at NMR frequencies of 5.5 and 29 MHz. The temperature range was between 0.4 and 13.8 K. The recovery of the NMR signal after saturation was always exponential as a function of time for all samples above T7 K, and could then be characterized by a single relaxation time T1. For X<0.2 and T<7 K, the recovery gradually departed from exponential behavior, indicating a more complex relaxation which was studied and discussed in some detail. From the initial slope of the signal recovery at small times, an average value 1T1 was obtained that might characterize the relaxation rate of the entire NMR line. At temperatures below the onset of thermally activated diffusion, the relaxation mechanism is believed to be caused by the nuclear-spin flips induced by modulation from the electric quadrupole-quadrupole coupling between J=1 molecules, and the results are compared with theories that predict the dependence of T1 on X in its high-temperature limit. As X decreases, the temperature variation of T1 between 10 and 4 K becomes surprisingly large and an extrapolation to the limiting high-temperature value T1(), which is of theoretical interest, becomes rather uncertain. Results for T1() for H2 and D2 are found to scale in their dependence on the J=1 mole fraction down to X0.15. The departures from scaling below this mole fraction are tentatively attributed to the difficulty in extrapolating the data to T1(). Approximate scaling of T1 data for H2 and D2 in their temperature dependence for X=0.5 and 0.3 was demonstrated. In the region above 10 K where diffusion affects T1, the time τ=τ0e+EkBT between diffusion jumps could be determined from...