High Efficiency Hyperfine Pumping of Cesium Vapor

The hyperfine pumping of cesium vapor has been obtained by using a magnetic filter for the pumping light. The filter transmits the hyperfine component of the D1 resonance line which starts from the F=4 sublevel of the ground state. The level which is populated with the hyperfine pumping is therefore that with F=3. Neon has been used as a buffer gas, and the best results were obtained for a pressure of 20 Torr. In this condition, 15% of the Cs atoms in the hyperfine level F=4 are transferred into the F=3 level. The relaxation time, as a function of Cs vapor density, has been measured for five values of the neon pressure, and the Cs-Cs spin-exchange cross section has been determined to be (2.20±0.15) × 1014 cm2.