Case 1.1 —History.—Mrs. I., aged 48, came to see me in December, 1929. Her family history was unimportant. About twenty years before, she had had the last of two miscarriages, which passed off without complication. She had borne no children. A number of years before, Dr. H. C. Cowles of New York had extirpated a bartholinian gland for gonorrheal infection, and in 1927 he removed the right adnexa, which were similarly diseased. The patient said that in 1927 there was a period when her legs became swollen without known cause. When I saw her, the swelling had completely disappeared. In June, 1929, Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd operated on her for cystic disease of the left ovary, removing a degenerated multilocular intraligamentous ovarian cyst. The operation had been difficult because of many adhesions to the hollow viscera, but the remainder of the abdomen had revealed no abnormality. Pathologic examination failed