Alate aphids were captured in blacklight traps at 8 locations from Clemson, South Carolina, northward to Ithaca, New York. Four aphid species which vector barley yellow dwarf virus of small grains are reported: English grain aphid, Macrosiphum avenae (F.); oat bird-cherry aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.); corn leaf aphid, R. maidis (Fitch); and greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani). These 4 species comprised 30% of all aphids captured. The number of each species taken during the season and periods of maximum flight varied greatly at the different locations. The 8 collections contained 20% English grain aphids, 6% oat bird-cherry aphids, 3% corn leaf aphids, and 1% greenbugs, with percentages at each location varying greatly. Earliest aphid capture ranged from April 13 at Clemson to May 13 at Mt. Carmel, Connecticut. Last capture ranged from May 30 at Clemson to December 2 at Mt. Carmel. The days from first to last capture varied from 4 days for the corn leaf aphid at Clemson to 203 days for the English grain aphid at Mt. Carmel.