The Application of Intracavernous Injection of Vasoactive Medications for Erection in Men with Spinal Cord Injury

Obtaining and sustaining an erection that is firm enough and adequate for vaginal penetration and satisfactory completion of intercourse are common problems for the male spinal cord injury patient. Intracavernous injection of vasoactive substances offers a new treatment option but it must be approached with caution in this population. During the last year we placed 20 spinal cord injury men (16 paraplegics and 4 quadriplegics) on self-injection of papaverine alone or with phentolamine. Of the patients 19 were able to obtain an erection adequate for penetration. The patient who did not obtain an adequate erection had anomalous penile venous drainage. Six episodes of priapism occurred in 3 patients: 1 had a surgical shunt placed elsewhere before he entered our program, and 2 were treated with aspiration of the corpora and injection of epinephrine. All 3 patients subsequently have been able to obtain satisfactory erections with use of lower doses of papaverine alone.