Calorimetric study of nematic to smectic-Atricritical behavior

High-resolution heat capacity measurements have been made on six mixtures of 40.8 and 60.8, the butyl and hexyl homologs of alkoxybenzylidene octylaniline. The nematic (N)–smectic-A (Sm-A) transition becomes tricritical close to X=0.35, where X is the mole fraction of 60.8. The Cp data for a mixture with X=0.35 are well described by the tricritical exponent α=0.5 and an amplitude ratio A/A+=1.6, which is not a universal quantity for tricritical measurements over the accessible range of reduced temperatures. The small value of A/A+ means that N–Sm-A tricriticality is further from classical Landau tricritical behavior than is the 43He system. Analysis of Cp data over an extended range shows the importance of several correction terms to the leading singularity. In particular, there seems to be a small step discontinuity at Tc, which does not violate scaling at a tricritical point as it would for a second-order critical point.